Brian had mastermind and I was ostensibly in charge of the morning routine, but surprisingly they really didn't need my help at all.
As soon as the morning had reached a moderately humane time, Brian and I (finally) put away Christmas decorations into the attic of the Reisingerhaus and Brian brought down an old "mystery" suitcase that mama and centa had tried to open, for which there was no key and nobody knew what was in it. I spent half an hour and picked the lock, managing to opened what was marked as aunt Frieda's old suitcase. I was proud of myself, but disappointingly there were no photos or real treasures - just old school books from mama and her sister's second grade school work, and some magazines. there was also two valentines addressed to their mother - odd that they would have to be the ones saving the valentine's.
umpacking - the lock has surrendered |
the chosen items |
I picked up Henry and Felix from school and and went directly to ice skating which was delightful - it was so warm and there were no people around.
Theodore had a opera video shoot in the evening - no idea when
Pauli came over and was impressed with Felix's spinning (benham) top
magic trick. Felix and Henry both dressed in their carnival costumes and then played a
game on their own. Henry had a lesson with Nadja - in person, even.
Felix was cranky (probably hungry and tired) but calmed down in time for swiss family Robinson. and then much later, after bedtime i talked to Manuela at night for an epic game of catchup which I have to do with so many people too...
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