Tuesday, February 23, 2021

"Meine Lust ist leben" (54/365e)

I was all set to leave early this morning, but then I didn’t pick up my bow this morning, because the luthier cancelled at the last minute.

We played at funeral in maria gruen in a church that was once peter rosegger’s – and the very nice preacher let the little kids who were pretty sad ring the church bells afterwards.

Such a warm and sunny beautiful day. Theodore is not allowed out of the house (well, out of our garden) so we stayed home and just played around here. I would have been very happy to do that all afternoon, but there was scrapping and fighting and yuck. I gave up trying to make everyone happy. But they eventually all cooled off. I biked to the luthier with Henry, and he was very happy about that. Bedtime was very lovely, I practiced piano, and then Centa and Brian and I hung around chatting for a while.

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