Tuesday, February 9, 2021

school break starts with annoyance (40/365e)

The morning was still calm but the day then slowly derailed into tantrums and annoyance. Nobody went outside on account of the wet and cold weather, furiously sleeting.

Henry and I played two games of chess together, I won one and he won one too. When I was badly losing Felix nearly had a fit, screaming at me was the worst chess player in the world.

The mood had degraded so much by the evening that I unilaterally canceled our swiss family Robinson evening, which was heartbreaking. (Sigh)

Brian and I went for a late night walk in the fog along the river. The sleet had stopped. Brian jogged along beside me. No moon, no stars, no people (except the one guy asleep on a bench in sleeping bag that looked completely rain soaked), barely any street lights.

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