Saturday, February 27, 2021

a day like all the rest (58/365e)

A day nearly indistinguishable from the last several….

Brian and I played two rounds of “The Game” (the game with the worst name of all times - try googling "the game" "card game" and see if you can find which one i mean) all by ourselves this morning with our coffee and tea while the kids played with lego upstairs without a single fight. I was so happy. The Game was fun – collaborative with simple rules and yet difficult.

We are going quite stir-crazy even with the garden. Brian is contemplating running a marathon and spent some time today very accurately measuring his “course” around the house and finding it would take him 850 times around to do a marathon.

looks pretty funny on the tracking app

I made centa’s birthday cake. Henry and Felix said it was “easy” to write on the cake with cocoa powder. I said it was too difficult for me. So they did. They wrote “Happy Nirthday” no problem! I think Centa will be very happy with it.

difficult medium to master

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