Thursday, February 4, 2021

wait-a-bit-thornbush (35/365e)

such a perfect weather day... 17celsius and sunny and clear... 

henry spent the day with his friend niklas, taking his homework and leaving at 9am. i had a bit of trouble getting the others motivated, but finally got us to go on a hike. we went to Rettenbachklamm with maria and gabriel ... we drove there, and went for our hike. all the way up to stefaniewarte, and the hike got a bit too long, but we had fun anyways. felix got very very scraped up. his belly was covered in deep scratches from a thorn bush and his knee was bruised and bleeding from a fall that he had apparently not noticed. 

at home more swiss family robinson reading, and edward showed me footage of a short 8mm film hans-joerg and hildegard made in the 70s, that was very entertaining and very very strange. amanda called too.

then it was bath night and doing lots of computer work that i had put off - although i got very easily distracted by my lovely siblings and an evening chat with them.

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