Went way early in the morning to the passport agency with Edward. The photobooth was out of order and we had to run for it - the nearest one was at Jakominiplatz, and of course, because of corona we did not get to our appointment very early because that is not allowed. so we had 10minutes total to run through streets, find the photobooth, take the picture and run back. and we made it, masks and all, even stopping to ask directions (because we totally walked by the photobooth without seeing it). I waited outside in case Edward needed any translation or verification help, and as the clock kept ticking I worried I might be late for my 9am rehearsal.
Brian saved me from that by bringing me my viola at the conservatory, where Elke listened to us play Clarke three times in a row and made helpful comments. Brigitta stayed for coffee when we went home.
Jacky came by and Henry and Felix took Vito for a walk in
the stroller. They were so cute watching the baby.
I felt hungry all day but I attribute that mostly to lack of
sleep. I practiced way much. Edward has been digitizing super 8 reels with a
machine he is borrowing from uncle voldemort.
where digital meets analog |
Everyone in the house was reading all day long and didn't want to do anything else. Everyone was hard to move at all but Edward and Centa took them on a walk to kalvarienberg while I read travels with my aunt in my well deserved bubble bath Talked to mama and papa today after swiss family Robinson. Agnes cried because she couldn't understand German, which was what grossmutter wanted to speak, and Edward was irritated because he couldn't get a word in edgewise.
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