Monday, February 1, 2021

the great muffin race (32/365e)

Raced the kids with their homework, making blueberry muffins and winning against them, but barely. They were very happy working on their stuff while I mixed things and put them in the oven. (does the oven time count in this race? yes, it does) Henry was very happy with them and ate 5 (five!) of them before I got back from my lesson with Elke, where we worked on more Clarke details.

Henry wanted to make an origami box he saw in a book on, but the instructions stymied us completely, and when i looked the author up, she has been accused of plagiarizing all her origami models, and several of the diagrams are also badly made. too bad i don't know which model she was plagiarizing so that we could look at the original instructions.

I looked up another one, a completely different one, and folded one on my own, before Swiss family Robinson reading. Henry wanted to learn to make that one, which is good, because this one I can teach him!

While they were going to sleep I made more muffins. Carob, this time. I wasn't very impressed with them, but they were for Brian and he thought they were ok - with some extra butter.

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