We watched the rest of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang early this morning, in our pajamas with breakfast. It ended in time for me to leave in the pouring rain and have tea with Brigitta and practice Clarke again at her house. We had fun sightreading some Giya Kancheli Miniatures after our mini rehearsal.
It was still pouring rain when I returned, but then it changed to snow, then to rain, then to snow, then to rain again. Edward was super tired from staying up all night with Rainer watching the superbowl. Pauli came over and took him out for a walk. Meanwhile I strung up 100 more paper cranes with Centa's help and organized the sewing kit which took several hours.
Papa read 3 chapters of swiss family robinson, like he did yesterday, because, although it was not a weekend day, we did want to celebrate our school-free holiday.
There were a bunch of tantrums and fights today, and that was unpleasant, and they lasted until bedtime and beyond, but thankfully we resolved everything with hugs and kisses at the end.
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