Saturday, January 19, 2019

trains become interesting again when offered to other kids (283/365b)

barbara's kids came over for babysitting while jure got his small sea vessel license and barbara was rehearsing for salonorchester.

we couldn't quite get them to agree on playing *together* so the other two kids kind of played on their own, and our kids did their own thing too. i tried to make waffles, but for some strange reason they didn't work at all. no amount of fussing would make them stop sticking, or fluff up, or anything waffle-like. who cares, they tasted fine, and were a glorious vessel for honey anyways.
spiral ramp for the trains
with a ramp and everything.
felix just needs to walk softly near by
we went swing dancing at the playhouse lobby, intended kind of for families. bad moods had come back, they didn't want to let us dance, nor did they want to dance with us. kris and i made up a little dance which included sliding all over the floor intended to look like accidentally but really being controlled. i nearly died laughing.

the movers and the shakers

and the candlestick makers
and speaking of dying laughing, we had a trio rehearsal at night. at some point,
barbara asks marielis to play more, with strength and confidence, since we will have to fill a very large space on saturday. and marielis, with the cutest dimply smile says "then i will have to eat some potatoes"

irmtraud and klaus came down to say hello afterwards. klaus has hurt his *left* hand, falling on some of his fingers. he has to be ready to play in a week, so he is being very careful with is. i guess he just conducted the rehearsal today.

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