Monday, January 21, 2019

clueless on a monday (285/365b)

up way early today, to finish making soup for kindergarten, and putting it into thermal containers for them to eat there. we are in charge of everyone's soup at kindergarten for the whole rest of the week. it smelled so good that i had lentil soup for breakfast... that was a first for me!

when every one has gone home, and there's exactly one glass left in the bottle...
two movie nights in a row... this time it was centa's party, because her friend karin had found out that she had never seen "clueless" so we had to see it.... it was the perfect end to a very busy monday with all the lessons and extras we normally have.... plus

got my wallet back! i was super anxious on my way there, and the guy had a very thick accent so i wasn't sure exactly where we were meeting or when although i had repeated the information back to him several times to be extra sure. and i didn't want him to have to go through any more trouble for me. he was very very nice, and wanted me to count all the money in the wallet to make sure it was all there... which would have been fine, except i had NO IDEA how much was in it in the first place, and second of all i DIDN'T CARE if he had taken all of it, i just was happy to have my wallet back at all. hooray for people. not everyone is clueless.

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