Monday, January 7, 2019

no school cuz we're flying instead (271/365b)

yay, we skipped a stupid crazy monday!
instead we spent the first part in amsterdam airport. my precious coffee leaked from the bottom of the stupid paper cup.
theodore, henry and felix, four hours at the gate
got home, and found centa waiting for us with soup. and ingrid brought us over a huge fruit salad. we lit the advent wreath, celebrated christmas for the last time, singing and unwrapping the last of the presents.

we spent our waiting time in contrasty black and white, because i felt like keeping the settings after doing a photo shoot of kafka's emergency exit.
a door to nowhere
please keep clear

the waiting game is not so fun for some

yet we always find stuff to amuse

life gives lemons to some and to some it give limes
but we never get the waiting blues

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