Saturday, January 5, 2019

chasing the light (269/365b)

everyone from today, including cesar and his friend cheyenne.
gorgeous perfect balmy day outside, but most i spent inside. henry had an earache, shawn and katie came to visit, we couldn't take grandma outside. got a family photo inside, and that was fine, then i went out and took some farm impressions.

finally captured henry riding the tractor with gramp after 3 days of missing them every time.

coming up the driveway

starting a fire with tante tara
we left the party and the fire early, first to try to look through the telescope at some planets, but the telescope tripod didn't work and we gave up. then then to contra dance, which was great, even though i caused some chaos switching roles halfway through the dance. as my dance partner put it: "it's 2019 and still they're trying to fix us."

at home brian's mom and i did yoga with adrienne to aid in fixing congestion, and there were a few laughs in there, and it felt really good, and i felt really connected.

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