Sunday, January 20, 2019

toni erdmann (284/365b)

theodore won tickets from sending in the right answer to some thing, so off they went this morning to the opera, brian, theodore and henry. theodore almost didn't go... he had just started a tantrum about how he couldn't play this song on the piano because it sounded weird, and he couldn't leave until he had played the song correctly, and if it was correct why did it sound weird. when i said felix should go instead, he stopped throwing the tantrum and was dressed and out the door in 3 minutes flat.

felix and i had a wonderful time, reading, writing, playing, cooking. theodore made spaetzle when he got home. everyone was in a much better mood after some food....

chestnut cake with creamy frosting
after i made some cake, i got a phone call from a guy who said he had my wallet, and could he please give it back to me. i must have dropped it getting out of the bus on the way to rehearsal. i hadn't missed it yet. i will have to go find time tomorrow (on busy monday!) to pick it up.

toni erdmann (alternative title: most awkward movie to watch with one's parents)

sometimes you get a movie out of the library and the last possible day to keep it out you still haven't watched it. the last time i did that was when i got zoolander out of the library, and then came home to find that i had actually borrowed zoolander 2 by accident, and then i didn't watch it, renewed it because i didn't have time to give it back, renewed it again, and then finally gave it back 5 days too late, didn't pay the fine because i just dropped it in the box, and had to bike back and forth to the train station to pick up my signature required certified mail, which was a bill from the city of graz, for my 2euros and 50eurocent library fine that i had accumulated.

this time we watched it in the first week... hurrah. we might have done that differently if we had known it was a 3hour movie, but we didn't, so sunday night at 8pm or quite a bit after by the time we started sounds good. then the movie was *weird* ...... seriously, weird. 

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