Tuesday, January 15, 2019

stay up as long as you want! (279/365b)

henry hasn't been much of a reader yet, but today he wanted to finish his book, and i told him he could stay up as long as he wanted as long as he was reading. he and theodore took that to heart. i hope they are not too cranky tomorrow morning. henry also wrote a letter on his own. i was impressed.

theodore finishing his narnia book
henry finishing his flat stanley book
i ended up staying home all day by accident. i had places i wanted to go, and things to do, and some got done, just not anything outside. i signed up for doyoyoga with no premeditation, don't even know how i found it. let's see how long i can do yoga every day if it's really only 10 minutes. every time i do any yoga i wonder why i ever have long stretches (haha, "stretches") of time where i don't do any. it's so easy to feel so good.

finished reading elegance of the hedgehog.... on goodreads it told me that i had read it a few weeks before we moved out of the us, and that i didn't like it. i added a star to my rating. i just don't know how i could have forgotten the book so thoroughly, except for the last 50 pages.
henry finished his second flat stanley book and wrote a letter all on his own.

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