Thursday, January 3, 2019

overlook (267/365b)

one of the highlights of the surroundings where we are in maryland is the hike up to the overlook, which is an cliff-like outcropping of rocks looking over harper's ferry in west virginia. the farm grounds directly abut the state park, and the hike is fun and new-england-esque.

resting on the way up. "the sofa"
felix running with lucy the dog
henry my avid tree hugger

an information break at the old naval battery

tara with rusty
theodore at the top
harper's ferry across the waters

as soon as we got back, tara took them all for the first of 3 treasure hunts she had organized for them for the next three days. henry had found the first clue under his bed last night. but there were two more clues under the bed for the other two. by chance each kid found the one meant for them.

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