Thursday, January 17, 2019

early bedtime for them, late for us... what could possibly go wrong? (281/365b)

we visited two different libraries today (stadtbibliothek and landesbibliothek) and had fun walking around the city, first with felix and theodore and then with felix and henry. henry is maturing so fast: it made my heart swell a little when he took care of checking his own books out.
two peas in a pod
bettina, another viola student at the konservatorium came over at 8pm to practice frank bridge's lamento. we did 25%playing and 75% talking. brian had a skype meeting with firehub at the same time. we worked like crazy to try to get the kids in bed and happy before then, but they stayed awake a little while longer. when i went up at nearly midnight brian was still working. yuck, late nights.

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