Friday, January 25, 2019

disorganized all around (289/365b)

i fell asleep with all this chaos around...
a child's birthday party where they had to divide gold coins amongst themselves...
an odd number, of various sizes

disorganized? hmm, what happened? it was friday. so i made soup, but felix didn't go to kindergarten. i was going to take him ice skating instead, but then i remembered i had a rehearsal here. but marielis went to the wrong place to rehearse, and so we changed our rehearsal for later but still didn't go ice skating. 

brian went to get the book for the kids birthday party present, and lo and behold, they had had it a few days ago, but now they were sold out, so he got a different one on theodore's recommendation and they already had that. my rehearsal was over quickly, so i went to the birthday party and brian went back to work. then i fell asleep on the couch there, and slept like a baby until the kids got back in from their treasure hunt. we stayed way too late.

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