Wednesday, January 23, 2019

snowday of the worst kind (287/365b)

so tired this morning - have we gotten a proper good nights sleep in several days? but i made griessnockerlsuppe for kindergarten, packed it all up, sent brian and felix on their merry ways, and they came back an hour later, because the u-boot didn't make it up the hill in the snow and slush. ronja was crying that she wanted to go to kindergarten still. 
it looks so pretty and nonthreatening from the kitchen window...
at least we had hot soup for us for whenever we felt like it.

the kids were all bewitched and fighting about every little thing. i think they must also be tired (yesterday was a late night after all)

work night with kris in the evening which was nice and productive. tribeka unfortunately closes at 8 so we had to defect to home, where theodore was still up and motivated to practice. kris listened to a song and commented: "yeah, yeah, pretty good." and aftewards he said "so while i was listening i noticed one violin sounded a bit screechy and the other one just sounded awful" .... huh.

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