Tuesday, January 1, 2019

last minute visits and goodbyes (265/365b)

first things first, coffee that's strong enough for new years morning and cuban americans. caroline came to visit, and rick and labeeby left at about the same time. social things were piling up on me. there was an overabundance of cakes and cookies and breads and other foods, and we were worried about packing everything up to take with us, but we just relaxed and put that off till later.
sofia and henry in a serious match.

first thing alex asked when he got here: where are all the matchbox cars?
sofia and henry in another serious match

angel inspecting my viola
no sooner had caroline left than peter also left... for *england* to keep tante frieda company for the next few months. his new years resolution is fulfilled. and just as he was leaving, amanda and fritz came through on their way home from new hampshire. it was a waaay too short visit, but it was so nice to see them.

amanda and fritz are here!
saying goodbye in the driveway we saw an owl, statuesquely peering down at us.
knock knock
who's there?
who who?
...an owl?

packing didn't come easily for me... i didn't want to leave, and nobody else seemed to want to find the things that we found necessary. teary goodbye just with papa and edward, who were the last remaining people at the house. i hope we didn't forget anything. 8 hours in the car, and we left at 8pm... that puts us down at the farm around 4am if we don't stop, and if we don't decide to stay over somewhere tonight.

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