Tuesday, January 22, 2019

that day you superglue your lips to your teeth (286/365b)

my goodness, today was a busy day. we had to cut things short to be able to get to everything on time.
let's see..

  • made and packed soup for the kindergarten
  • irma had a trio rehearsal
  • brian worked
  • irma picked up theodore and took him to the dentist
  • brian picked up henry and took him to the dentist
  • irma and the kids went shopping, then to the conservatory
  • theodore had a mini session of mini strings, while irma tried vergeblich to warm herself.
  • we rushed to theodore's bernstein rehearsal, where he was all alone because nobody else "could make it" andrea was very helpful showing him showmanship techniques to practice
  • theodore went to the abenteuerspielplatz
  • henry and irma were home and heated up soup
  • felix came home with a broken lunch box, crying bitter tears. irma tried to super glue it and accidentally (trying to close the bottle) got some superglue on a tooth, which stuck to her lip. //facepalm //ohnonowmyfaceisstucktomyhand
  • brian put felix to bed and went to chorus
  • irma took theodore and henry to a concert to see antoine tamestit play a remarkably beautiful herold in italy with Manuela.
  • i did 6 months of photo editing
  • ok, i'm done i'm going to sleep
  • but wait, here's one picture from trio rehearsal....
tired but happy after rehearsal

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