Saturday, January 12, 2019

a day of learning (276/365b)

very early morning, up to have a nice long chat with brian, where we learned a lot about each other

theodore and i went to practice our pieces for monday with christian the pianist.
wrote a poem about graffiti that i quite loved

tried jackfruit for the first time, it was weirdly pulled-pork like, just like everyone says.

read some elegance of the hedgehog, i can't remember if i've read it before!

moved books downstairs, so that we had room in our bookshelves upstairs. we still don't have room, but it's bearable now, temporarily.

took a nap after barely getting through "many moons"... sometimes i just can't help falling asleep while i'm reading to the kids - the words start swimming on the page, even in the middle of the day, when i feel that i have plenty of energy

the evening was the best part. a bit of my fair lady, a bit of chatting with peter in england, and a bit of the turnip fairytale with the turnip man russian doll.
everyone has to work together to harvest the turnip, even the mouse

choosing emoticons requires concentration

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