Monday, January 28, 2019

opernredoute hangover (291/365b)

we only had to be up before 2pm to get theodore and henry back to the opera house for "alles tanzt" ... for the ball at the opera they remove all the seats in the house and cover the entire first floor with a gigantic dance floor, which we dance on all night, and the opera house likes to use it one more time for their yearly dancing family concert which always includes a very hungover orchestra and kids choir. i don't know how it is. last year we tried to get in but couldn't because we didn't feel like paying full price (for the four of us, 100euros for 45 minutes to see theodore sing two songs)... this year we didn't go, brian just dropped them off, barely awake.

the ball was fun but we (maybe just me) were low energy most of the night so i didn't dance as much as would have wanted to. we spent quite a bit of time in the greenroom for salonorchester, chatting and having snacks between sets which also happens to be the times where the other band is playing their set which is the swing/latin songs we normally dance to. still great fun.

at the beginning:
early in the evening right when they opened the doors
and at the end:
at 4:30am ready for the last dance set

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