Monday, January 28, 2019

popvox (292/365b)

kindergarten takes the month of february off, but i couldn't wait to be alone with my boy, so i took him out of kindergarten starting today. except that it was a monday full of monday stuff, and brian and i kept having to switch out who went where with whom.

i was supposed to leave for ingrid cz's pop-vox concert to get there at 7pm, but i was having so much fun reading with the kids that i ended up leaving at 6:55 and i squeaked into my seat right at 7:01. nina and centa and kris were in the row ahead of me and i got to watch them giggle and roll the backs of the heads as the guy in charge of the choir tried to get the crowd to stand up and clap along to the gospel music. he is a very entertaining character. ingrid's son stefan sang two solos very well. we opted out of the uncomfortable foyer champagne in favor of living room champagne.
relaxing after a very entertaining evening

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