Monday, January 14, 2019

if you play a recital and nobody comes to hear it... (278/365b)

lessons in the morning to get ready for the recital in the evening. then lots of back and forth, home, chorus, everywhere i went i took theodore's violin and my viola with me.

in all the mess, brian met the lady who had stopped by a few years ago, when we first moved here, who had rung the doorbell while i was practicing to say that i played viola very nicely, and who my sister thanked and said goodbye to. anyways, she stopped by again, and left a business card this time. it seems she also plays the violin and lives around the corner. coolio.

theodore and i played our recital to a public of our family, and one friend of another student. that is exactly a grand total of three, plus one teacher, 1 accompanist, and 4 performers. it went well and we (except theodore) went out for a drink afterwards until they kicked us out of the coffee shop.

then another nice long chat with my dear brother peter.
it was so adorable to see him trying to practice the first 3 arpeggios in chopin's 1st etude on aunt frieda's out of tune baby grand

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