the day started out horribly de ja vu. made kindergarten soup - again - and also the same kind. it was slippery. we got a call from the same lady, asking the same question about whether we could pick up her kids. But it quickly got better, because Brian shared the "state of the household" with me, that showed all the cool things we have been doing.
at 1am yesterday, i found this in a paper (pdf form of course, thanks to from 1882
Gar nicht
behagt, ja sogar ganz entschidenen Widerwillen erregt haben uns die drei
Suitensaetze (Scherzo, Marcia funebre und Finale) des Herrn Emil von Reznicek
aus Graz, deren Zulassen zu einer oeffentlichen Pruefung des Conservatoriums
wir einfach unbegreiflich finden. -E Bernsdorf
(Not enthusiastic, in fact, I was decidedly disgusted with the three movements by Mr. Reznicek from Graz, whose very presence at this examination we could not begin to understand)
This is what I found when I was searching for because his daughter wrote in his biography, that the critique in the paper was "hervorragend" (outstanding) I wonder if that was just her little joke, because she knew her father was a great believer in irony.
I got a letter from Agnes from Japan today, and it was delightfully written, and I was so pleased.
Felix and Theodore and I went to go look at a museum exhibit, and we will surely be back. There was an entire room of treasure boxes. And more stuff. They even had a "globe of heaven" which was a (5 foot diameter) globe painted with gods and goddesses, not countries.
Our trio had a very tired rehearsal after a long commute. Mine cost 15euros and I came the long way round the city in a taxi. theirs took an hour, and they went directly through the city, and had to wait for police roadblocks, because there was some kind of demonstration down town. I got there before them even though I had forgotten to leave until after the rehearsal supposedly started, and I was only reminded to leave because I got a text saying they were in traffic.