Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday (313/365a)

Fasting food
My love, Dust thou art and unto Dust thou shalt return.

While I was out, Brian reorganized the shelves, specifically putting grains and pulses into pretty glass jars so we can actually see what we have. It was a nice little surprise.

At the end of the day I said "I'm kind of disappointed you didn't say "Happy Valentine's Day" today" and he said "well, you didn't wish me a happy ash wednesday either." truth.

Played in the Dom again, a really really really weird mass, lots of horrible creepy harmonies, and spooky organ solos, then went to lindy at Mangold's, where I danced with lots of fun people, and one creepy guy. Nice-looking, great smile, and already creepy at 25.

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