Saturday, February 17, 2018

Report Card Friday (315/365a)

They came home with all good grades and were so proud. Henry's teacher had written a really wonderful note to Henry, that he asked me to read to him several times, although he is quite capable of reading it on his own.

Ronja's parents left her here so they could go on a long walk, and time went by "swimmingly" (I had wanted to go swimming, but then didn't) ... lots of block towers and songs...
Theodore was supposed to make his potato soup, but we still had some in our freezer, and Theodore didn't seem interested in being interrupted. 

In their games, time went by so fast. They slept, had breakfast, made dinner/cookies, went back to sleep, celebrated easter, celebrated christmas, went back to sleep, made more breakfast, etc.

Also, Felix had a recipe for long life.
- Mama will you live to be a million? 
- Hmm... I don't know about that...
- You just have to be careful. Brush your teeth, maybe 8 times a day, and don't get sick.

Worth a try.

Then I went to visit a new friend, and had soup and read poetry with Isabella, and it was "voll fein" ... 

On my way out the door, some friendly kids were making my bed for me (technically they were demolishing their "house" ;) )
team work.

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