Saturday, February 3, 2018

it was the best of saturdays it was the ... (302/365a)

poor brian had the evil sickness this morning. instead of lasting three days though it was only a few hours of discomfort and nausea. i being the super-over-scheduled-crazy-lady i had saturday filled with music lessons for the kids and for myself, the afternoon with me at rehearsal, theodore at a birthday party, and ended up calling jackie from rehearsal to see if she could take the other kids off brian's hands. it worked at the last minute.

rehearsal was chaotic. it was for the kons. orchestra, and i am supposed to be part of it as part of my studies, but it's really meant for very inexperienced orchestral players, and i don't really fall into that category. i however never understand austrian logistics, so i'm not sure if i was supposed to sign up before, sign in at all, or have to sign anything in general. i sent a text to the director, and he said i should just come, so i did, but i'm not sure he is sure who i am or why i'm there. no matter. rehearsal was chaotic, and i'm not even sure i have all the music yet, or what order the pieces will be in.

when i got home, brian was already mostly functional.... hooray!
one more thing before bed.... i have to take a picture... blech

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