Thursday, February 15, 2018

Last performance (314/365a)

Poet in action
Cake in inaction
Theodore's last performance of Eine Nacht in Venedig. There's one more show without him, that we might go see with him if we can beg tickets, but it's all over. Sorry to come to the end of the run, it was fun.

I got to go pick him up from singschule and spend the two hours break with him. We bought new violin strings, and visited a thrift store, went out for pizza v(the luxury!) and wrote poetry. I wrote one, and one we wrote together.

Then I watched from the standing-room, and was glad to see it was the best night of all I had been to. The audience was jazzed, the performers were on point.

Took Theodore across the street to visit Barbara and Irmtraud, and we had a quick idea-discussion and then drove Theodore home. He fell asleep in the car at the end of our street.

A coffee bag hangs there
There are tables everywhere
It seems that one of people’s games
Is to carve into table tops their names
Stick stickers onto all the walls
The light in soft beige shadows falls
There is a wall-width mirror here
Though with i watch and see
As people drink a sip of beer
-irma and theodore together 15feb 2018

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