Tuesday, February 27, 2018

A kids "orchesta" (326/365a)

Things Theodore wanted for his 8th Birthday Party - that it was a surprise party for his guests, and that it included a treasure hunt, and that the treasure was an orchestra. Also a banana cake and kaesespaetzle.

Mama, that is to say, me, or I, made that happen. Felix helped in his own way of course, following me around and telling me all kinds of life wisdom that I wish I could remember all of.

They all did their homework.
The treasure hunt found all kinds of household objects like pots and lids and cookspoons and bottles and glass jars filled with nuts. All together assembled it created the loudest orchestra that ever was, and even included a bow that shot arrows (not quite the use i had in mind for the bow, which actually has quite a good amount of bass vibes when plucked correctly, but also apparently plenty of twang when used with arrow)

looks calm and quiet.
IS really really LOUD

They really played for a long time. Jackie and her youngest stayed as well. It was a little bit of an intense time for us moms trying to have a heart-to-heart while kids blockaded our ears with sound.

Clever Theodore asks: Who wants to blow out the candles?
And while everyone is reacting, he does.
"Too late"

Afterwards, when it was barely light the kids got the idea to go outside into the treehouse, and also to go shovel snow. It was very, very cold.
Fun run with a snow shovel.

The school kids were picked up one at a time, and we were left alone to do quieter things, like paint flowers from the new books we got from Manuela. Quite therapeutic.
i don't want to go to bed, i'd rather watercolor dahlias. 

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