Sunday, February 11, 2018

1.2 masses per person (310/365a)

Theodore and Henry sang for a carnival mass, in costume, this morning, with their choir. this meant dressing up. and that meant finding costumes. Brian took a well-deserved later morning than usual.
I was playing in the Dom at the same time. I wore ski pants and attracted plenty of comment with thta. Made some collegue friends at the brunch afterwards. Collected someone else's honorarium envelope (I guess a last minute bow-out is responsible for me being asked)

Then with one hour free-time I headed home in time for pizza that Felix had baked (his favorite, spinach and feta) and then back into my ski pants to head out for Unterlamm to sing another mass in a cold cold church. It's a long long drive over very windy narrow roads.... Eventually you get to a little town, where everyone has the same address. Unterlamm.

Still light out.

By candlelight several hours later
But in this little tiny forgotten corner of the steiermark every single spot was full, very attentively listening to the 40minute sermon (a short one, we were told!) and even getting there 20 minutes early. Two hours later, we were all ready to fall apart, and were told the choir could go home, but the believers would stay "for a long time still" .... We were tired enough we didn't go to get any snacks or wine before heading home. We listened to the radio on our way back, and my recent konservatorium concert was on... kind of cool, i think!

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