Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Fasching Dienstag (312/365a)

from L to R: The Great LESLIE and Caracatus Potts, Inventor

Got to go to school in costume, which is always exciting. Felix didn't really want to dress up, so we didn't.
After school I thought it would be fun to take them to the parade. I don't know why I thought that. The abenteuerspielplatz was going, so we rushed out of the house after school and got there right as they should have been leaving, except that they had the wrong start time online, and had left a half hour earlier. We found friend of the kids there too, confused, so I walked 5 kids to the parade by myself. Well, I wasn't personally tall enough to see me, and my kids are not taller than I am (yet)... so mostly it was loud and crowded and kind of... (I don't say this a lot) ... boring. We waited until the mom of the other kids arrived, and we left. 

Three kids at a parade. Noone knows where to look.
Fine thing was, as soon as we got back we made Krapfen, and Manuela brought Krapfen, and we had a kind of sad dinner party, which was only good because Manuela was there. My Krapfen were hot and greasy like they should be, but also hard and crumbly like they shouldn't be. Deepfrying once a year is not exactly well-practiced. ;)

Brian went to watch J&A's kids tonight, and I got to stay home and get to sleep early. 

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