Thursday, February 22, 2018

learning (321/365a)

slept extra because of the late night last night. that is, woke up extra double early, and then couldn't QUITE read through all of the Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher without falling asleep, so I switched places with Brian. Last day of kids dance. Brian saw the end of the "show" when he went to pick them up. All the kids got to show off new moves they had learned. Our two were apparently very happy.

Theodore came to his pre-poned lesson with Elke, and I was already there for mine. It was snowing like crazy outside. I waited for him to be done, and then we trudged to the bus stop together. He can be most sociable if you give him some alone-time.

At home we wrote letters (a long post-poned but very wonderful passtime) cooked dinner together and had bath night. That is to say, nothing earth-shattering but very calm. All three kids brought their beds up to the attic and made a kind of nest to sleep in together. they got read to sleep by the light of the globe. so nice.

i didn't take this.
i didn't take any photos today.
not one.
but the dance teacher had a cell phone.
theodore is in green with his hand up on the left
henry is curled up in red pants and a police man cap on the right

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