Saturday, February 24, 2018

con fuoco (323/365a)

i did not take this photo(.
This morning was the most chaotic nothingness that there ever could be. Theodore and Henry were going with Fritz for a "boys day" - up the gondela on the Schoekl and then down the mountain on sleds. It was a full 10 degrees celcius colder today than yesterday, and Fritz called late last night to make sure they would be dressed warmly enough. Brian ran 7 miles late last night to pick up a pair of slightly longer ski pants from willhaben (like austrian craigslist) ....
Then this morning I was going to get one or maybe both of them a new pair of snowboots, since Henry doesn't have a pair, and Theodore's fit him but not with 2 pairs of thick socks. Off I went, bright and early, to get to the thrift shop that google said opened at 9am. Buses slow, cold, etc. and of course, they were totally closed. 9:30, still closed. Off I went to the next one, no kids stuff. Off I went to the third one, which was not open on weekends. Headed home, and asked if maybe Jackie could lend a pair of Ronja's boots. Brian ran there and back to get them. In the meantime Fritz had come and gone and was waiting for us to call him, while we were waiting for him to get here..... Oh the wonders of modern communication. 

Anyways, off they went. A china cup of wonderful coffee on Fritz's dashboard. His statement was, I believe "We have all the time in the world."

I wish!

The time went by so fast. I practiced a few minutes. Made dinner with Brian and Felix, and already it was time for the first rehearsal ever with this new quartet formation. Raced there with my fancy clothes. We rehearsed for an hour, did a photoshoot for an hour, had tea and delicious chestnut cake that Paul had made while the baby slept, and then I raced home, just missing Fritz. Boohoo.

The photographer who took the pictures didn't want boring pictures. None of this sitting in a row as a quartet looking normal. After several iterations of that, including holding the camera at 30 and 45 degrees, he went and got a gigantic ladder, asked us to lay on the floor, placed our instruments on us  and leaned precariously over us. 

The evening was practicing and Pirates of Penzance. :)

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