Sunday, February 18, 2018

a short afternoon visit (317/365a)

haven't visited ingrid in this new year. someone's always been sick. and since she takes care of her elderly father, all those germs should stay home! but i managed to bring the three kids over this afternoon, on this lazy sunday and we got to play with the toy box. she gave them each a bit of money for showing her their report cards - tradition i guess.

the whole time we were there, and before and after, brian was out for a longer-than-normal run.

some bathroom chalk wall art that i'm so sad to get rid of... but i suppose it is time.
they say if you wan to keep it, capture the moment
balancing the weight of the world with your tears on a fulcrum made of graphite.
is there perchance a real artwork that will be born of this?
only time will tell.

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