Tuesday, February 20, 2018

snow day with nina (319/365a)

on our way back from dance class

Theodore and Henry both DID NOT want to go to dance class today. it is a 3 day course that they saw in a brochure and told me they wanted to do, but today, the first day, they were very clear that they had suddenly both changed their minds. luckily it was easy enough to get them interested once they saw that the other kids didn't have special shoes or clothes or equipment, that there were both boys and girls, and that the teacher was really nice.

Nina generously offered her time to come with me to pick them up, and we ended up at the market too. two (typically many more, even on a slow day) poor farmers were huddled in their respective tents, and they each had plenty of customers, i think. a snowy day like today doesn't keep the veggie lovers away. :)

we made dinner, and Phil came too. We hung out till late in the night. I even got to sneak down on my own to practice for a bit. Whenever we sat down all the kids seemed to want to sit on top of us. Felix even tried to keep Phil here by holding him by his shoes so he couldn't move, and then screaming like he was hurting when that didn't work, and he saw the door opening and Phil walking through it.

a pretty day in the snow
The Landesmuseum

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