Saturday, April 3, 2021

wonderful preparations (92/365e)

We had simply wonderful Easter preparations. Brian and I went to the farmers market all alone together. 

We all biked to Vogelschutzgebiet with Centa (but only found two more morels) and had our mini cookie-breakfast in the sun before seriously starting egg coloring and crazy easter bread. Easter egg coloring was fun and colorful, but we were a bit distracted because we found out on a big zoom call that Labeeby and vitalyi are getting married! super exciting!

We made our Easter fire and tried to sing. the miserere didn't work (not surprising since we hadn't practiced) but managed a passable dona nobis pacem. 

Late bedtime for everyone, even later for me... baking and egg hiding from 10pm till 1am. 

uggg I'm tired

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