Niko and I went for a walk .. He showed me the shrine-columns for the old pilgrim way from the center of Graz to Kalvarienberg, 14 stops in all. In the old days, he says, you could essentially see from one to the next, and now there are so many buildings that have taken over fields that they are hidden away in backyards and inset into fences and such. Although it was beautiful and sunny, it was cold!
Felix came home with the news that he is contact person 1, which means a 10 day quarantine for him, but only for him. The rest of us can act normal.
Today Henry wasn't particularly snuggly like yesterday, but Theodore was instead particularly affectionate. He helped me a bit making a prop for our next video. I need a very very large mirror. It's not working out at all. I tried aluminum foil, but it wasn't sticking flat enough, or staying put the way I needed. Went out and bought shiny silver wrapping paper and was pretty disappointed to find out it was actually clear see-though-plastic. It LOOKED silver.
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