Tuesday, April 6, 2021

missing morals (95/365e)

First day of school again, although Theodore's group has today online. I gave Theodore a preliminary body book to read after his homework was done, so that he can have a head start on some upcoming life changes.

Pauli wanted to go for a walk, so I could show him where morels grow. I don't really know though, and i'm not sure if it's the wrong weather, the wrong time, the wrong spots or if i'm just not seeing them. anything is possible. We went up and down falkenweg, and he was rushed for time at the end but i had problems biking because my pedal seized up and i could not really use it properly.

We had a family meeting and then watched half of a Marx brothers movie, much to everyone's delight.

Attended a zoom meeting about Kerouac's creative process (from umass lowell) with Brian. We tried to get through the readings in the hour before the meeting (as true typical style)... i loved the idea of kerouac's scroll books.

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