Monday, April 12, 2021

mit auszeichnung (101/365e)

i got a shoulder massage in the morning finished reading magellan, as cool as a cucumber. Then warming up and waaaaiting.... and a short warm up walk with Brigitta. Then my knees started shaking and then I played.... i kept reminding myself not to look at the audience, just kept my eyes closed. when Brigitta finally joined me on stage for the Clarke I knew we were home free. success. The told me I passed "with distinction" Elke brought me a flower and a tiny mini bottle of prosecco which we enjoyed on a bench in the park. A drunk homeless guy walked by with a beer in his hand and said "prost" to us ladies.

It was a rainy day - when the kids came back from singschule they were soaked to the bone.

brian gave official notice at his company at the exact same moment that nina came over for snack night so celebrate my high-school-diploma-in-music. everyone in the house helped prepare the snack night. 

brian and i walked nina home at night, the rain had stopped and brian jogged beside me, and we found a free umbrella in the street.

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