Saturday, April 10, 2021

early to bed early to rise (99/365e)

When I awoke at 6 Brian was already reading downstairs. I joined him with Magellan.... Now I only have 2 chapters left!

After our reading date we went to the farmers market. I saw some people I recognized but they didn't seem to recognize me. I was dressed sloppily and thus also didn't make any additional attempt to say hi

Theodore and I went for a walk to get knives sharpened and the store was already closed because it was Saturday. Our walk was nice anyways.

Brian made chinese-style scallion pancakes in the meanwhile and a great success they were too!

Brigitte and I played Clarke at her house one more time before Monday. Mostly we just talked and she gave me a bit of a pep talk.

Up the Schlossberg with everyone and ice cream in the way down. 3 more Hans brinker chapters and then Centa took over bedtime while we went and spent the evening with j&a.... Lovely. Home again by 10:40 for "early" bedtime

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