Saturday, April 17, 2021

edward has RETURNED (106/365e)

Brian and I went for a long walk this morning just to be together while we did some errands, and mostly struck out on those but we had fun anyways. The kids stayed home to read. 

Brian cooked... Spinach sauce on pasta with garden herbs and we ate outside.

Then I saw a message that Edward had actually gotten to the airport in Amsterdam so we started a cleanup mission to get ready for his arrival.

I had the luxury of some alone time and updated my blog a little. i am so behind on posts, and even more behind on editing and posting photos. maybe one day i'll catch up.

I've suggested new music for music4viola enough times that they asked if i wanted to be allowed to post as a member/administrator. why not? what else do I have to do?

We all drove to pick up Edward at the train station in Jacky's car. So excited to see him. We had fun inspecting suitcases, trying out new scarves and doilies some old useless keys and other random things. 

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