Friday, April 9, 2021

long walk is the best start to any day (98/365e)

Walk with Brigitta to waaaay far past augarten. we were a bit deep in discussions and didn't notice how far we had walked. i was in a rush to get back because i had an appointment to teach gabriel, and got back just in time.

with leftover tomato sauce i cracked some eggs into it and we had Shakshuka for dinner that everyone really liked!

Centa really wanted to do her fancy Friday, even though she didn't feel so well, so she prepared fancy snacks, and we all dressed up and had a little tea-party for "dinner".. Papa was pretty surprised when we were all dressed up for his zoom meeting to read Hans Brinker - He read 3 chapters to celebrate the arrival of the weekend.

I finished Little house in the big woods with felix as he went to sleep. He said he LOVES this book. On my own I finished the "history of the world in 10 1/2 chapters" which was ok, and i read more Magellan

Late at night I was inspired to practice, and it's useful to be able to play late at night and not apparently bother anyone. Starting to get nervous about my exam on Monday, but I know cramming won't do any good....

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