Thursday, April 29, 2021

a day of recovery from stupidity (118/365e)

I didn't really wake up this morning.... because I never actually slept, horrible hospital night. I shared the room with three ladies: a scream-y lady, a silent lady and a woman my age who just discovered she had glaucoma. Glaucoma lady called her husband at 7am to remind him to order take-out for dinner at 12:30. I was discharged completely normal. Hooray. Everything's fine, and I am exhausted. Celebrated a bit by walking home. Tired all day because of lack of sleep.

Edward and I took a light and lovely walk up the Schlossberg together. At home, Centa made up a new card game she called recycling rummy - where you separate the discard piles into black and red. It was early bedtime for everyone. I think I conked out around 8:30pm.

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