Sunday, February 28, 2021

4 cake nirthday (59/365e)

Woke up so very early, like 4:30am, which is just perfect for the california time zone, so I had a nice chat with Nick. 

We had a Nirthday party Centa… Ingrid organized morning cake and coffee out the window.

robert frost says good fences make good neighbors

serving cake to the neighbors

I made Centa dinner, and we had more cake. Centa had friends over who brought more cake, and they talked over the fence. 

toasting from the street

I went on a domestic project binge and started shortening the curtains - a horribly tedious and low-yield project. Irmtraud brought over a beautiful hornet’s nest for us to examine. 

We watched pirates of penzance and had swiss family robinson. Papa and Mama watched henry and Theodore play organ pieces on zoom.

I had a chat-date with Danielle too, which was the first in a long long time. we want to do a creative night some time - with the usual suspects, liam, nick, brian and us.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

a day like all the rest (58/365e)

A day nearly indistinguishable from the last several….

Brian and I played two rounds of “The Game” (the game with the worst name of all times - try googling "the game" "card game" and see if you can find which one i mean) all by ourselves this morning with our coffee and tea while the kids played with lego upstairs without a single fight. I was so happy. The Game was fun – collaborative with simple rules and yet difficult.

We are going quite stir-crazy even with the garden. Brian is contemplating running a marathon and spent some time today very accurately measuring his “course” around the house and finding it would take him 850 times around to do a marathon.

looks pretty funny on the tracking app

I made centa’s birthday cake. Henry and Felix said it was “easy” to write on the cake with cocoa powder. I said it was too difficult for me. So they did. They wrote “Happy Nirthday” no problem! I think Centa will be very happy with it.

difficult medium to master

Friday, February 26, 2021

A birthday to remember (57/365e)

A birthday to remember, for real - Theodore's quarantine birthday... It even started with online school all morning. Hooray.

We were so happy to get groceries delivered today, from Jackie and from Nina. Nina even brought us croissants. As soon as the grocery store items were delivered, I set about making Theodore’s birthday dinner, Kaesespaetzle, and the frosting for his cake. We celebrated outside, socially distanced a baby-elephant-distance from Centa. I read Hamsun in the sun and Bryson in the bath. And Jackie even brought us lego from Ronja and Zorah, because they thought our kids would get bored. That was very much appreciated.

lego is played with before it even gets into the house

finding a patch of sun to read
starting to get stir-crazy already

During Theodore's zoom meeting with at least part of my family the testing people came from the red cross and gave us each a test in the yard. No need to come inside. That was quite entertaining for anyone walking by. There were some more online phone calls for Theodore, and then the day was already past.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

first full day of quarantine (56/365e)

First full day of quarantine for everyone. I spent about the whole morning on the phone with bureaucracy, answering basic questions about each person.

We played bridge outside on the picnic blanket.

Brian took a nap, and is feeling lousy. He did also go for a run today. He calculated 40 times around the house to get to his 2k minimum, but his gps had him go 50 times.

I read lots of books.

We arranged for maria to bring school books for each kid, which made me feel so helpful. and we heard from theodore's class that Theodore had the only positive result out of all of them.

We practiced together after swiss family robinson (which I missed because I did the women Wikipedia evening) – then while the kids went to bed I made a mega fast birthday cake

We made a big shopping list (even with a farmer's market map) for nina and for jacky for tomorrow

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

knitting in the sun (55/365e)

Theodore's corona test came back today. Positive. Ugg. So many phone calls and emails and messages to write to everyone. 

Theodore and I sat outside in the sun, when it finally came out, and knit, and read. His leg warmers should be ready in time for the warmer spring weather. So it goes.

a stitch in time saves nine

It was a very slow and actually quite a lovely day. I did yard work, and the kids are realizing already on this first day that the yard is quite small. We talked to Papa, who has internet back, but didn’t read swiss family robinson because mary wasn’t around. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

"Meine Lust ist leben" (54/365e)

I was all set to leave early this morning, but then I didn’t pick up my bow this morning, because the luthier cancelled at the last minute.

We played at funeral in maria gruen in a church that was once peter rosegger’s – and the very nice preacher let the little kids who were pretty sad ring the church bells afterwards.

Such a warm and sunny beautiful day. Theodore is not allowed out of the house (well, out of our garden) so we stayed home and just played around here. I would have been very happy to do that all afternoon, but there was scrapping and fighting and yuck. I gave up trying to make everyone happy. But they eventually all cooled off. I biked to the luthier with Henry, and he was very happy about that. Bedtime was very lovely, I practiced piano, and then Centa and Brian and I hung around chatting for a while.

Monday, February 22, 2021

corona headache (53/365e)

No headache! – except for the artificially manufactured one related to the corona virus – 

Brian and I were hanging out in the kitchen, enjoying our morning beverage and a beautiful discussion, when we were interrupted by a call from Theodore at school, because he had tested positive on the school corona test. apparently he was not allowed to go home alone in this case. then brian and i spent 2 hours in a kafka-esque phone circus cycle that included all kinds of inaccurate information. We finally figured out what we needed to do and got a personal apology from the gesundheitsamt. Nobody knew what the correct procedure was because the rules had changed since yesterday. Brian and I went to get tested ourselves and … eww, the nose thing ... very unpleasant. We were both negative which means I can play my only gig so far this year tomorrow - another funeral. hooray. 

if he's home he might as well cook for us

We had a wonderful family meeting with the first installment of the Rosemire Review, and Theodore and I had a lovely violin practice to slightly make up for the lack of Elke today.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

memorial service (52/365e)

Such a bad headache all morning. Managed anyways to record a piece of Robert's music with my kids and centa (not with all my sisters as I had intended) and we all dressed up very nicely and decorated a little with candles and a cross built from a soma cube that theodore had made at school. - there was even a teeny tiny cold rose from the garden.

The abschiedsfeier / Memorial service for Aunt Frieda, with 25 different zoom people participants (more people than that of course because the households were of course mostly multiple people) went for about 2 hours. Edward made an absolute masterpiece of a video for Tante Frieda, showing her at her absolute best at various times in her life, and even created a little video conversation between her and her brother (a video call over vhs before video calls were invented - i think maybe from 1998 or 1999) There were some minor zoom-technical glitches but it was nice to hear from people. most impressive was the difference is perspective and memory between people who were related to her (not so warm) and people who were her british friends (very warm and fond memories only). 

memorial service from the comfort of the living room
complete with sonoma cube cross and february flowers from the garden

Then Pauli came over and we watched kismet. The music still beats everything! It was hard for him to understand the dialogue and our bootlegged version didn't include subtitles, but I think he still enjoyed it.

Right at the last moment the kids decided they NEEDED to write a story for a story competition with a deadline today. I sent in the last story after 9:30pm. I am not even user that they will still be accepted. Who knows. But the stories were charming. Next time they should start earlier, they agreed.

proud of his creation

Saturday, February 20, 2021

pretty nice middle with a bad start and a bad end (51/365e)

I hate mornings to start with shouting and upsets and annoying tantrums but that is how today started. This time there was a nice side effect that we convinced everyone to go with us to the farmers market, and then came back in a better mood and read alone.

The kids at home watched the gold rush with Brian, and Edward and I started the Robert music project for aunt frieda’s online celebration tomorrow, but didn’t finish because my quintet rehearsal was pre-poned and then ended late with a migraine starting. I went straight to bed at home. No passing go, no collecting 200dollars.

Friday, February 19, 2021

first grill fest of the year (50/365e)

Very early vigorous bikeride to take  my bow to get rehaired. Got back just in time to meet up with Brigitta and go with her on a wonderful long walk with Brigitta up Jakobsleiter and down the back way through the woods, and it was beautiful. I was too shy to tell her I had been on that side of the hill before, because she was so excited to show me a new place.

We had a spontaneous outdoor party with grilling at the Foersters. It was chilly and of course it gets dark a lot earlier than more typical summer grilling evenings, so we didn't stay so long, and were home in time for swiss family robinson reading.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

unpacking mysteries OR treasures of youth (49/365e)

Brian had mastermind and I was ostensibly in charge of the morning routine, but surprisingly they really didn't need my help at all. 

As soon as the morning had reached a moderately humane time, Brian and I (finally) put away Christmas decorations into the attic of the Reisingerhaus and Brian brought down an old "mystery" suitcase that mama and centa had tried to open, for which there was no key and nobody knew what was in it. I spent half an hour and picked the lock, managing to opened what was marked as aunt Frieda's old suitcase. I was proud of myself, but disappointingly there were no photos or real treasures - just old school books from mama and her sister's second grade school work, and some magazines. there was also two valentines addressed to their mother - odd that they would have to be the ones saving the valentine's.

umpacking - the lock has surrendered

the chosen items

I picked up Henry and Felix from school and and went directly to ice skating which was delightful - it was so warm and there were no people around.

Theodore had a opera video shoot in the evening - no idea when 

Pauli came over and was impressed with Felix's spinning (benham) top magic trick. Felix and Henry both dressed in their carnival costumes and then played a game on their own. Henry had a lesson with Nadja - in person, even.

Felix was cranky (probably hungry and tired) but calmed down in time for swiss family Robinson. and then much later, after bedtime i talked to Manuela at night for an epic game of catchup which I have to do with so many people too...

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

normal morning on ash wednesday (48/365e)

A totally normal morning! Theodore is at school again! Very happy to see Michi for the first time in a month for coffee, do a little bit of reading and a little bit of work without the pressure of responsibility.

Felix had a lesson. I walked him there and it was gorgeous weather. He didn't feel the need for me to stay there with him, so I got a short little alone walk in too.

in charge of dinner on the stove and in the oven

It was Ash Wednesday and a I was bit hungry all day... I have decided to give up snacking and snack foods. Irmtraud and Barbara came over to talk about the website, and I absentmindedly snacked on some nuts - oops. The kids let out some energy on a walk under clear evening skies with Brian, except Felix who choose to read on his own instead.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Fasching (47/365e)

Everyone was so excited about their costumes this morning. Felix has been planning his for weeks and weeks - he was a magician. Henry was happy as Zorro. And Theodore had no school, so he didn't really bother until the others were home from school again and I wanted to take costume pictures and he grabbed his mathemagician costume from last year (or the year before already!) and half-heartedly threw it over his clothes.

Magic tricks

boys in capes

There was music, and swiss family robinson, and board games, and generally a relaxed day, which was a nice change of pace. The mood stayed relaxed until there was a mega tantrum about taking baths. Uggg - whyyy?

Monday, February 15, 2021

Goodbye Edward, Hello School (46/365e)

Edward was off early this morning, Brian took him an a few huge empty suitcases to the hauptbahnhof at 6am, and he spent the next 13 hours traveling to Manchester.

Good that we got up so early, because I baked up some bread for the school lunch boxes and sent Henry and Felix very happily off on their very chilly way to school. 

homework afterschool

theodore in online school

Theodore and Brian and I had a grand old time, going shopping together, and reading together between online meetings  (he only has "live" school twice a week now). I had a lesson with Elke, where I played my memorized Bach and Reger twice through - which is kind of a work out! - and came home starving. Theodore had his lesson in the evening and Felix and Henry went to their singing lesson. 

The bread was so good that that is all I wanted all day, and that is ok, I think. We logged on to see if Grandpapa was around for swiss family robinson, but he was helping Edward acclimate himself in Manchester, and we missed him. Plus we were all completely beat from the day. 

Right as we were going to sleep, Henry suddenly decided he wanted to plan a costume for tomorrow. I was unhappy with the turn of events. The rules from school were no facepaint (because of masks) and no nice clothes (because they were doing experiments with paint) and no swords. He wanted a painted on mustache, refuzed the paper one I made him. Didn't like alternative suggestions. Cried when we suggested Robin Hood because he didn't want to wear that green shirt. "Not like that." But then I suggested Zorro, and showed him a picture, and he lit up. He could just wear his eveyday clothes (he's been mostly wearing all black) and a mask and a hat. easy peasy. He went to sleep very happy. Centa and I talked a bit while Brian finished up his last work meeting, but we didn't stay up late because I was really really completely beat. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

valentine's day (45/365e)

Slept very badly again, but woke up earlier than yesterday. Right away, first things first, we all helped make a valentines day cake. – Heartshaped marble cake. 

It reminded me of the time I had my 9th birthday in Ithaca and grandpa made me TWO cakes - a chocolate AND a vanilla cake, because when he asked what I wanted I had said … both. That birthday mama and papa were at a conference, and mama also baked me a cake. Pretty memorable birthday for me. 

We went out for a nice walk in Kalkleiten, borrowing the forester car, and we tried our best to make Edward’s last day in graz before heading to England to settle The Estate and get all The Affairs in order. 

brian managed to start a fire 
despite the incredible winds
it only takes patience
and there's only one person who has that much patience

possibly theodore's last ride on someone's shoulders
unless he joins a circus
he's getting quite big

edward's group photo
bumps on a log

We played some board games after dinner, and required early bedtime for everyone, since Edward is leaving the house tomorrow at 6 and the kids have their first day of school in months, and we are not used to waking up early anymore, nor are we used to our morning routine anymore. Sadly we didn’t do Swiss Family Robinson for the third day in a row, because there just too much excitement going on in the house with Edward getting ready to leave.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

but oh well.... (44/365e)

Slept quite badly, and woke up late. Still wrote some things for our pickwick broadside, with Felix I wrote a “review” of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Barbara picked me up a half hour early (accidentally) for quintet rehearsal. My hair was still dripping wet from the shower, but oh well. The rehearsal itself was not productive at all, but oh well. 

barbara took this photo of me for our valentine's day collage

Culminating in Barbara and I deciding to watch The Odd Couple with Edward and Brian and Jure. That movie is quite funny. Centa was out on a “n-ate”... We stayed up way too late talking to Edward - past 2am, but oh well.

Friday, February 12, 2021

where have all the hours gone? (43/365e)

Where the hell does the time go!? The doorbell rang early and I had to sign for a parcel that turned out to be Edward’s passport, already perfect. He hadn’t even asked for it to be expedited. That’s really fast!

I started a google doc template for what we want to be a little Pickwick style project, a kind of family broadside that is intended to serve as a creative outlet for little writings. Felix was very sad to notice his Venus fly trap had been neglected long enough to die, and we immediately composed an obituary for the new paper, which I promised we didn't have to publish if we saved the plant this week, which I think is unlikely.

Also made a lasagna that was apparently a total hit that was eaten while I was at Renate s. Brian worked and Henry had his friend niklas over. I guess they played together nicely enough that it didn't bother Brian.

Edward came and saved us girls who were trying to do the heavy lifting at Renate s house. She is getting everything out of her late mother's apartment and the furniture and accoutrements are all very eccentric. We'd had gotten an enormous solid oak table stuck in the doorway. Too heavy for us to tip to one side safely. I took some cds home with me.

Ingrid cz came over spontaneously and we had a little game evening with way too many snacks. We all had fun playing and chatting and this time I didn't take the corona discussion bait so the conversation didn't devolve like last time. She did show us her ffp2 mask that she had modified to reduce the number of layers. We stayed up way too late -past 10pm, even the kids.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

cold music morning (42/365e)

Family music morning, after we woke up late. Brian was up way early for mastermind. I didn't sleep well and was up before him buy went back to sleep. There has been little to no interest in chamber music of more than two people - also not among the adults. But duets are ok, and Henry and I played some first, and then I played with the others as well, who were willing but less enthusiastic. The bonus of that is that I get to play the whole time. The sad part is that I really think everyone would have more fun if they worked together on a piece.

It was a very cold day and tomorrow is supposed to be even colder. Theodore and I went for a walk to look at the stars and the cold went right through the thick jacket and the warm hat and the neck warmer I had covering my face. We saw the winter hexagon and then our toes froze and we went home. We had a group family cleanup and then enjoyed our lovely time listening to my papa read Swiss Family Robinson.

story time snack: shared apple pie

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

just like in an action movie (41/365e)

Went way early in the morning to the passport agency with Edward. The photobooth was out of order and we had to run for it - the nearest one was at Jakominiplatz, and of course, because of corona we did not get to our appointment very early because that is not allowed. so we had 10minutes total to run through streets, find the photobooth, take the picture and run back. and we made it, masks and all, even stopping to ask directions (because we totally walked by the photobooth without seeing it). I waited outside in case Edward needed any translation or verification help, and as the clock kept ticking I worried I might be late for my 9am rehearsal.

Brian saved me from that by bringing me my viola at the conservatory, where Elke listened to us play Clarke three times in a row and made helpful comments. Brigitta stayed for coffee when we went home.

Jacky came by and Henry and Felix took Vito for a walk in the stroller. They were so cute watching the baby.

I felt hungry all day but I attribute that mostly to lack of sleep. I practiced way much. Edward has been digitizing super 8 reels with a machine he is borrowing from uncle voldemort.

where digital meets analog

Everyone in the house was reading all day long and didn't want to do anything else. Everyone was hard to move at all but Edward and Centa took them on a walk to kalvarienberg while I read travels with my aunt in my well deserved bubble bath

Talked to mama and papa today after swiss family Robinson. Agnes cried because she couldn't understand German, which was what grossmutter wanted to speak, and Edward was irritated because he couldn't get a word in edgewise.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

school break starts with annoyance (40/365e)

The morning was still calm but the day then slowly derailed into tantrums and annoyance. Nobody went outside on account of the wet and cold weather, furiously sleeting.

Henry and I played two games of chess together, I won one and he won one too. When I was badly losing Felix nearly had a fit, screaming at me was the worst chess player in the world.

The mood had degraded so much by the evening that I unilaterally canceled our swiss family Robinson evening, which was heartbreaking. (Sigh)

Brian and I went for a late night walk in the fog along the river. The sleet had stopped. Brian jogged along beside me. No moon, no stars, no people (except the one guy asleep on a bench in sleeping bag that looked completely rain soaked), barely any street lights.

Monday, February 8, 2021

the weather plays hot and cold (39/365e)

We watched the rest of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang early this morning, in our pajamas with breakfast. It ended in time for me to leave in the pouring rain and have tea with Brigitta and practice Clarke again at her house. We had fun sightreading some Giya Kancheli Miniatures after our mini rehearsal.

It was still pouring rain when I returned, but then it changed to snow, then to rain, then to snow, then to rain again. Edward was super tired from staying up all night with Rainer watching the superbowl. Pauli came over and took him out for a walk. Meanwhile I strung up 100 more paper cranes with Centa's help and organized the sewing kit which took several hours. 

Papa read 3 chapters of swiss family robinson, like he did yesterday, because, although it was not a weekend day, we did want to celebrate our school-free holiday. 

There were a bunch of tantrums and fights today, and that was unpleasant, and they lasted until bedtime and beyond, but thankfully we resolved everything with hugs and kisses at the end.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

brunch and hike and story and movie (38/365e)

Brunch morning with Nina and Centa and Edward and everyone else. We had pastries and eggs and coffee and all tried to draw a bicycle from memory, just for fun, even Rainer, who was with us for a bit over video, and had to draw with his left hand because his right wrist is still in a cast.

The Foersters picked up Felix to take him to Rettenbachklamm and Henry, Theodore and I took our bikes and pedaled as fast as we could and made it to the trailhead at about the same time. Brian ran after us, and met us at a short stopping point. We had so much fun walking through the gorge, the kids way ahead of us. Henry was completely beat, so he went home in the car with Felix. So Brian, Theodore and I had a quiet walk back through the gorge on our own. While they discussed hedgefunds and game-stop, I got a bit ahead, and was only a bit annoyed when a young couple asked me in a very polite way if i "needed any help" with a stream crossing. no, i do not need help, so out of principle and pride i nearly ran all the way back, leaving that young unsteady couple way behind.

At family meeting it was discovered that there were rewards to hand out - Henry and Felix had done all their chores all week and had checked them off, so we started watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang tonight, which was Henry's wish. Felix's reward wish is to have "baguettes with stinky cheese" so we'll get him some tomorrow.

While the kids read themselves to sleep, Brian and I played a game of chess. Henry wanted to stay up and wait to find out who won, but we played way too slowly to let him know that in the end Brian completely slaughtered me.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

everyone cooks more when hungry (37/365e)

brian did farmers market stuff this morning and a huge spar trip and i was sooo very hungry. my hunger showed - i baked and cooked so much this morning, while waiting for brian to come back with groceries... apple pie, and bread, and cookies, and lentils, and sushi (so not really cooking)

we walked up the stairs to the uhrturm on the schlossberg and met pauli and sat on the wall listening to one of his friends busk on the guitar. it was quite a lovely day, sunny and beautiful, and the top of the schlossberg was packed with people. 

we went some more food shopping at the gramm which took longer than we had expected because brian had to wait to go in, only 2 customers at a time, and only he had a mask with him. then we played family football in the augarten and came home to find centa and edward enjoying a cup of coffee outside. how lovely. 

barbara picked me up and took me to quintet rehearsal which was lovely, but low energy. came home to find all the kids ready to read themselves to sleep in bed. played some chopin and satie while brian read travels with my aunt, we had some beer and i updated my blog and talked to labeeby, playing a little bit of catch-up, but not enough. tomorrow i promise myself to go back to editing photographs. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

so much walking (36/365e)

Mid-morning walk at hilmteich with Brigitta. we biked quickly and got there a bit winded, but energized. the woods are so beautiful, although they are muddy and still winter-dead.

Meanwhile, the kids were doing their final day of home school-work for the semester, and now spring break has officially started! henry's homework had to get dropped off at school, and his bike had to be picked up, so we did that, meeting up with the rest of the family at lendplatz, and biking onward to eggenberg where we met up with the zorn family

there we had a mud-ball fight - the rules are the same as a snow-ball fight, but you use mud-balls made from the dirt from mole hills; and everyone played tag; and had herb butter that felix had made for snacks.

Theodore had a  singing rehearsal for his prima las musica trio, and when we get back we read Swiss family Robinson with Grandpapa. 

Bedtime got late, but I jumped at the chance to go out for walk with Jacky. we didn't do a very long walk, but it was enjoyable. Brian was in a work meeting till midnight, and I talked to Bruno for first time in a long time.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

wait-a-bit-thornbush (35/365e)

such a perfect weather day... 17celsius and sunny and clear... 

henry spent the day with his friend niklas, taking his homework and leaving at 9am. i had a bit of trouble getting the others motivated, but finally got us to go on a hike. we went to Rettenbachklamm with maria and gabriel ... we drove there, and went for our hike. all the way up to stefaniewarte, and the hike got a bit too long, but we had fun anyways. felix got very very scraped up. his belly was covered in deep scratches from a thorn bush and his knee was bruised and bleeding from a fall that he had apparently not noticed. 

at home more swiss family robinson reading, and edward showed me footage of a short 8mm film hans-joerg and hildegard made in the 70s, that was very entertaining and very very strange. amanda called too.

then it was bath night and doing lots of computer work that i had put off - although i got very easily distracted by my lovely siblings and an evening chat with them.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

ice under the clear blue sky (34/365e)

9am clarke rehearsal at the konservatory. then we went ice skating after our homework - because of corona we had to reserve a two hour slot 11:30-1:30. we skated the whole time, and we were nearly the only ones there. the weather was amazing, we skated under the blue sky. we rushed home to get there in time to rush back into town again for organ. felix went to his lesson with brigitta alone, so i could take henry to organ and practice with him and came back with theodore and henry. a nice little bike ride, my third of the day.

basically on our own

everyone exhausted at the end of the day, but we still enjoyed grandpapa's "swiss family robinson" reading and played some chess.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

all A's in school (33/365e)

After homework Henry and I make a teeny tiny hexagonal origami box together.

Maria and I took a walk with felix and Gabriel. we progressed very slowly, leaving us up on the mur path while they were walking down alone on the beach while we walk on the path ... Felix falls and hurts himself. We walked again all the way to what is now our favorite place, the Vogelschutzgebiet. Theodore and Henry were already there, rode there with Brian after organ practice. I rode home on Theodore's bike with Henry for an online talk with his teacher. He gets all A's again ("of course") 

Theodore also got all A's... the conversation went something like this:

"I got all 1's!"
"Me too"
"You got 2's?"

The kids' friend Anna came over randomly to visit and stayed for griessnockerlsuppe. While I was having my dinner, not the soup, the fork I was using broke then there was food all over myself and the floor. Elegant!

Grandpapa read more Swiss Family Robinson again, but first Henry practiced for grandpapa and I accompanied him on my viola, which inspired Grandpapa to play a few notes on his French horn for us

I cut Centa's hair in the evening while simultaneously making more soup.

Brian and I had a glass of wine and a Sudoku.

Monday, February 1, 2021

the great muffin race (32/365e)

Raced the kids with their homework, making blueberry muffins and winning against them, but barely. They were very happy working on their stuff while I mixed things and put them in the oven. (does the oven time count in this race? yes, it does) Henry was very happy with them and ate 5 (five!) of them before I got back from my lesson with Elke, where we worked on more Clarke details.

Henry wanted to make an origami box he saw in a book on, but the instructions stymied us completely, and when i looked the author up, she has been accused of plagiarizing all her origami models, and several of the diagrams are also badly made. too bad i don't know which model she was plagiarizing so that we could look at the original instructions.

I looked up another one, a completely different one, and folded one on my own, before Swiss family Robinson reading. Henry wanted to learn to make that one, which is good, because this one I can teach him!

While they were going to sleep I made more muffins. Carob, this time. I wasn't very impressed with them, but they were for Brian and he thought they were ok - with some extra butter.