Friday, November 13, 2020

walking with gossip (317/365d)

i had a wonderful walk with brigitta along the mur, then i biked to pick up kids from school on their bikes, then i got home and found jackie visiting, and she and i went for a nice long walk too, pushing the baby stroller

brian made sushi while i was gone, which is what henry has wanted for dinner for a few days now.

we had apple strudel and wizard and tea time while centa was on a few minutes break. thankfully nobody pointed out how unfair it was that felix and i had had some yesterday by ourselves.

some magic mail arrived from grandpapa showing us how to make a (slightly simplified) ruler compass construction of a square that can be reassembled into an equilateral triangle. henry chose to just read, but theodore and i did it, and, if i do say so myself, we did a really nice job)

Theodore did his teeeny teeeny tiny.

but because of the magic mail, henry made all of us write "FROM GRANDPAPA" and determined that really none of us had written it.

pauli invited me over to play some music, but cooked me dinner instead. the dinner was made with meat, so i just watched him eat and then i went home. 

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