Saturday, November 14, 2020

just some quick yoga, no big deal. (318/365d)

theodore and pauli hiked up the plabutsch, on a day that was so beautiful it should be illegal. 

reaching a short plateau

a quick bit'o'yoga

while we were out, everyone else all went to playground to play soccer. brian cooked for us, and i got a litte bit of time to talk to mama

brian and i watched "documentation" (since pauli suggested it i thought i would also write it like he says it) about orwell/huxley and how the world we are living in are going in the direction of brave new world and 1984. it was a little disappointing as someone who has read both novels and has been able to draw plenty of conclusions on my own. nothing new there.

news is that the new corona virus lockdown is coming and all schools will be switching over to distance learning. 

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