Thursday, November 5, 2020

perpetual noise! (309/365d)

beautiful enough day to do homework outside with felix in the sun. since cafe's are no longer open we cannot continue our tradition of soup and cafe for homework. we'll see what we do when the weather is not nice when we get there.

unfortunately, the food and the finished homework didn't stave off the piano lesson from going badly, since felix just refused to play a note or explain why he was refusing. 

construction is going on a few houses down, and it's unbelievably loud, on all parts of the frequency spectrum. i took the kids to rosenhain to get away from the terrible noise. (centa said the noise stopped 5 minutes after we left.

i went back into town in the evening to play chamber music with brigitta, which was such a treat. we played siegl and klose and borris. - all for the first time. i was tired and hormonal but music really energizes me and makes me happy. 

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