Sunday, November 29, 2020

First Sunday in Advent (333/365d)

I expended quite a bit of energy to overcome the status quo of staying inside on such a gorgeous day. Finally I was successful! We were out on the Mur, for a short time only, but better than nothing. I gathered branches for the advent wreath, and then made it before I had to leave for quintet rehearsal - where we spent several hours doing more filming for corporate christmas parties that have been moved online. We have one customer so far, lets see if we get even a single one more.

one candle, because we haven't made more yet!

Theodore had homework to do because he hadn't done it last week, and that wasn't my favorite thing because of course I wanted a quiet Sunday with no deadlines. That's ok. Felix and Henry and Centa and Edward played a complicated game of four player pinochle while Theodore did online work. ewww.

And then we sang songs around the wreath and let us say, for posterity, there were no tantrums at bedtime.

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