Friday, November 27, 2020

friday that feels like saturday (331/365d)

The phone rang today at 10:05 - are you still coming? ..... Aaah, I forgot I wanted to go for a walk with Brigitta! Because of Thanksgiving, I had completely forgotton that today wasn't the weekend, in fact just a plain ordinary Friday with homework and everything else. We had a lovely walk and chat anyways, in perfect weather - we even went up and down jakobsleiter!

The video from my quintet of piazzolla's oblivion finally was finished and posted. I was so proud to see it for the first time all the way through - I must have watched it 10 times today with various people.

I wasn't the only one though, who offered cultural input....

Centa had ordered Gilbert and Sullivan's Ruddigore at some point, and had started getting the children excited about seeing it (a musically delightful production, by the way, with some very very strange visual effects) already on our previous hike up the plabutsch by telling them the story all cutesy. We watched half of it today, and saved the rest for tomorrow.

Edward gave Theodore a book that he remembered particularly fondly from his childhood, "castle in the attic" and for fun we decided to all read it aloud as our next family project. 

I have so many projects hanging over my head, and they are making me a bit anxious. I don't like the feeling. Brian is helping me with one of them, creating a website, and we started today, but the more I work on it, or think about it, the more overwhelmed I feel. 

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